Saturday, August 4, 2007


Last night was great becuase Shandi Finnessey was on PlayMania, so I had something to watch and that was great. SHe started off the show wild and funny as usual. The whole studio has fun when she is around. They had a clock that lasted 2 min to say when they were bringing someone in. At the end of 2 min, the sound director made a wacky sound. It started with a bong and then started getting weirder. A duck, blob sounds and more! They did a cow sound once and Shandi said that they didn't have that sound and that was the sound director making that sound.

Shandi started the show by telling everyone that she was moving into a new apartment. She then told everyone loud and clear "If you are a girl, make sure you NEVER EVER go into Lowes alone!" Shandi then talked about a problem that happened. "This guy came up to me and asked me if I was married," Shandi said. "I said no and he asked me if I had any kids. I said no to that too. Then he said well then, can I have you number? I said no and this other guy came up to me and asked if that guy was trying to get my number. I said yes and that guy asked, well, can I have you number? I yelled no again. I'm just trying to buy carpet!" So the email topic of the night were pick up lines.

Shand blew through tons of games, and gave away tons of money making the show like old times. She said her signiture phrase "wanna get crazzzzzy?" That means she is in a great mood. She started being mean to the camera men, teasing them. They started throwing stuff at her and making her think that they switched camera when they didn't. She went up to Scoot, one of the camera men and asked him for a pick up line he has used. He something like "your hair is smooth," or something like that. He freaked Shandi out and she kept making fun of him and saying that he only dates guys.

They had a pixle picture game and some guy guessed Lindsey Lohan. House, another one of the camera men said "If that was Lindsey Lohan, there would be bars in front of it." And Shandi cracked up. But Shandi easily got distracted when she got over to the wall and started making shadow puppets again. Shandi said that she was going to make water balloons tom. and throw them at strangers. Shandi was great, and better yet, she will be on tonight and Sunday!