Mood: Determined
and ammused
Hi!! Well I am as you can see, determined to make a very long blog and ammused at what I am watching, which is Torchwood. New eipsode is next. I did watch Doctor Who today. What is weird is that both of those little pictures are from that episode. Well the first one is from the next episode but it is a 2 part episode so ya. Ok so Once again I will describe the episode in pictures, but this time I have 3 video clips to show as well.
The Enemy: The Ood and whoever is taking over Tobys body.
To Be Saved: Strangely, The Doctor and Rose. The TARDIS is gone since that part of the ship they are on broke off. Also, the crew of this ship who is looking at black holes, Zack, Toby(the non evil one), Ida, Jefferson, Scooti(but she is kinda already dead...), Danny and the TARDIS.
Ok, So Rose and The Doctor and Rose find themselves in this strange room and well... just watch.
So then they find out that these Oods don't want to eat them but to get them something to eat! Well the crew members find The Doctor and Rose and are amazed there are people on the ship. They go to the main part, they were introduced t
o everyone.
Then the ship starts to shake, they hit like an earthquake, but they knew it was going to happen, Something to do with the black hole, since that is what they are watching. 

Ok, So after all the shaking was done, The Doctor finds out about The Tardis being gone. Not good.
So now The Doctor and Rose think they r stuck. Here is a part about them disscussing what they could do. So cute!!!
So this Toby guy kept hearing voices and then this voice told him not to turn around. Well, in the end, he turned around. He saw that he had those weird shapes all over him. Then he fell dead. After The Doctor and Rose quit talking about the living situation, her phone rings. She answers it and this voice says, he's awaks. Rose throws the phone down. Toby comes back to life. EVIL TOBY KILLS!! Ok. Now in that picture below, The Doctor says, He;s away to the Ood and they reply, and you will worship him. That is all they would say.
Curiosity killed The Doctor. Ok... that is sad. He isn't dead...yet. Technically he can't die but that other time lord dude did so... i donno.
Rose believes in the Doctor!
Ok, so the Doctor decides he is going to go into this one planet. So he puts on his orange suit and gored to the core of this planet and finds this big trap door. Here is the start.
Rose STILL believes in the Doctor!
The Doctor is in! And is still as talkative as can be!
The Doctor and Ida have found a trap door? How do you open it????!!!
And that was the end! Makes me want to go see what happens next!! ARGOMG I just got done watching the best episode of Torchwood EVER! In was called They Keep Killing Suzie. You know what? I am NOT even going to tell you about it. I am going to post all 6 parts of the episode so you can watch it! You won't be dissapointed. Let me just tell you that Suzie was a part of Torchwood on the first episode. She used the ressurection glove to make people come back to life for around 30 sec or so. And then in the end, she was going to shoot Gwen. She didn't, but she did shoot Jack, but he can't die. So then she shot herself. And she was dead. And is dead, until now. WATCH!!!! Oh and Gwen looks really preety in red!!!Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Wasn't that awsome? Now here are 2 music videos I really love! Enjoy!
Carrie Underwood-So Small
Matchbox 20-Let's See How Far We've Come
Now One more video. I love this! I am watching The Runaway Bride right now. It is a Doctor Who episode, comes right after Rose leaves. Yes and it is funny, but at the smae time really really sad. But Catherine Tate is so funny! Here is the car chase scene. I love when she says, "Santa's a robot!" so funny. Enjoy!
Gotta sleep now! I have been working on this post since 4 PM. Now it is 1:14 AM. Well seeya later!!!