Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Blog

Im tired. Yeppers. Yep. Ya. YAAAA. Ok... anyway I totally forgot what I was gonna say... Oh ya! I was going to say what I have been up toooo....

Well I watched the Christmas Invasion Special Doctor Who. Arg it was suppose to be 90 min but BBC America cut it to only and hour. I still LOVE it so much. It is SOOO my favorite episode so far. The new Doctor, David Tennant, is SOOOO awsome. And hilarious I must say. It is way to

hard to explain. I might post some of it on the blog. As you can see, the lady with brown hair by aliens is Harriet Jones, who was in the earlier episodes. She turns out to be worse than she was... but the Doctor does something real sneeky and knocks her out of her term as Prime Minister! I loved when the alien dude cut off his hand and he was like "I am still in the first 2 days of my regeneration so I can grow back my hand" and he did. He then said "It's a fightin hand!" Really freakily! Oh and these aliens talked in really deep voices and told the Doctor "I demand to know wh you are!" And The Doctor replied in a really loud deep voice "I don't know!!!" Then he tasted the red stuff and said "Hmm... human blood. A Positive. With a bit of iron in it. Bleeeeh" SO hilarious. Then he started talk about humans and started reciting "From the day they arrived on the planet, A Blinking Step into the sun. There is more to see...than can ever be seen. Or to do... wait a sec. Sorry that's the Lion King." I knew it before he said it. And David Tennant is super cute! I dont know his hair is so cool! Like Conan's hair! Then I watched the episode after that where this one spirit named Cassandra took over Rose. They were like 2 million years in the future on new earth.

Wow. BBC is just showing Season 2. And they r making Season 5. You know what? I heard that Season 5 wont come out till 2010!!! THATS A LONG TIME!!!!!

Tom. In softball we are sliding. eeeekk! It should be fun! We have all this water and stuff.

Oh I learned that House, you know Doctor House on the show, Hugh Laury, is exactly 1 day older than my dad!!! FREAKY!!!!

Ok.... bye!