Sunday, November 2, 2008


Mood: Pissed Off

It is November. It is daylight savings!! Yay!! Now i can get up in the LIGHT

OH IT WAS HALLOWEEN! Happy Halloween! BUT I HATE HALLOWEEN! yes i hate it tons. It is the worst holiday ever.

I bought Fever at LAST!! My Auntie bought it for me :) i feel happy!!! Oh and Kylie has some majorly bizzare outfits for her X2008 pt 2 in South America.... Just go and look for them and you will see they are crazy!! lol I still love her tho!!

I don't like Lily Allen anymore. Basically she is a piece of shit who is ugly and fat. Ugh and she really cant sing. Her songs are boring now. She needs major help. I would rather like Kylie. Lily just has problems. Besides her drinking and smoking... and she is useless. Yuckie

And then we got Kylie!! Yay Kylie!! Kylie is a much better person by far!!!

Ugh almost election day! Everyone stay home from school and work on Wen. because there will be a new leader!! Americans like change. I guess... They are all back stabbing hypocrite YAY! I would love to move out of the country! Even if it is in to Canada! I could do that quite easily. Tho i wouldnt want to live in Canada. hmm

Lemme see. Oh yes i dont like November! I like the whole daylight savings thing. I dont like elections but i guess that doesnt happen every November. Elections are like LEAP YEARS! What else happens in November? Thanksgiving?? Oh well that isn't to bad. Coldness i dont like!